Swift Group (Pty) Ltd commenced with business in Nelspruit Mpumalanga on the 1st July 2010 with a BEE Status of 100% Level 4.
The Business’s philosophy is to distinguish itself from other Plumbing & Electrical Companies with qualified personnel on management and on an operational level as well as service on another level. SWIFT GROUP focuses on real 24 HOUR SERVICE as well as Service or Contact within 2 hours.
The Business will continuously strive to outperform its competitors through extraordinary service, competitive prices, effective administration, and personal advice to all our customers.
Swift Group’s mission is to enhance a pro-active approach in Establishing a Long Term Relationships through:
While still maintaining a profitable basis through:
Swift Group’s vision is to enhance a pro-active approach in:
Swift Group’s current focus is on the following Customer Levels:
Swift Group will make use of a formal Marketing Division to ensure:
Meet our qualified professionals operating at both Operational and Management level!